Another Level
Ännu en banger från den torontobaserade 19-åringen! Han är killen bakom låten "Beneath you", som ligger tvåa på beatports top10 just nu. Imponerande!
Mark Mendes - Another Level (Original Mix)
"Today, Mark Mendes [a.k.a. DJ Mendes] is 19 years old and lives in Toronto, Canada. As a child, music was always a strong presence in his life. In first grade, Mark amazed his teacher and principle by playing various songs by ear on the piano. It was evident at a young age that he was very musically inclined. Mark's intuition towards music developed further as he grew up and began djing. At the age of 16, Mark purchased his first mixer and CD players and learned quickly the fundamentals of the art. It was not long until he became recognized for his incredible talent and landed his first gig the same year at a local club named Palazzo. This was the first of many gigs to come, making Mark Toronto's youngest club DJ."
Du ska veta att din blogg uppskattas mkt! Frekvensen uppdateringar är minst sagt imponerande! Keep up the wonderful work!
Sorry , it want happent again. But now You can be sure that U have fantastic taste. On more time sorry.
länk till låten funkar inte! :)
Fan, kan du inte försöka hitta lite fler alster av Mark Mendes? Har försökt själv men hittar inte nånstans. Låtar som "Starter", "His Music", "Wam Bam",
"The Beat Just Goes". Skulle vara kul. :D
Tack för en bra blogg mannen. Bäst kvalité här inne tycker jag. :D